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Expert Cat Tips For Owners To Follow

Cats are amazing creatures. Independent and loving at the same time, they make ideal pets. Before bringing a kitty cat into your home, however, it is important to educate yourself on cat care so that you know what to do and what to expect. Use the helpful tips discussed in this article to ensure that your cat is well cared for.

Set up a nice, warm and comfortable area for your cat to rest in your home. It should be lined with a warm towel or blanket. Make sure to wash the bedding regularly since it can acquire dust, dander, and anything from outside if your cat is an outdoor cat.

Make a free toy for your cat by placing a little dry rice or a few dry beans inside an empty pill bottle. Close the lid and roll the rattly toy across the floor. Most cats can’t resist the sound and motion. You can also tie a length of twine around the neck of the bottle to make a pull toy or a dangly toy.

If your cat goes outside, it is important to have a collar with a tag. Cats sometimes travel a bit when outside, and a tag prevents any mishaps due to your cat being lost. Be sure that the pet’s name and also your home number are on the tag.

Avoid eye contact to make friends with a cat. Ever wonder why cats seem drawn to the person who likes cats the least? The answer lies in cat body language. To cats, staring is “rude” and can be considered a challenge. Looking away shows that you respect their space and are not going to be a threat. So next time you are looking to meet a new feline friend, look away and let them approach you.

Your cat has sensitive ears, especially in the car when they’re stressed out. You may enjoy it, but it could be hurting your cat’s ears. Therefore, try lowering your music or turning it off in order for your cat to enjoy the trip more.

If you notice that your cat is not using the litter box as much as usual, you should go and take them to a vet right away. There are several health problems that can cause the cat to stop using the box. These issues include bladder problems, constipation and diarrhea.

Do not try to hold a cat when they are clearly trying to get away. This will not make the cat feel any closer to you and it may prompt them to start avoiding you in the future. Pick the cat up gently and lay him across your lap. If you feel him wiggling to get away, let him go.

High quality cat food is important to your cat. Ensure that the food your cat eats is very high in protein. Avoid foods like corn or other items without protein. Cats are carnivores and their diet should reflect that.

Understand your cat’s sounds. Meowing is a form of communication, often for food or to get your attention. There are other sounds, though. Hissing usually indicates fear or anger, so you should stay away. Cats also make certain sounds when they see prey. This often sounds like a chirp. Purring may indicate contentment, but sometimes it means nervousness.

Cats need to play! Just like playtime is important for other types of pets, the same holds true for your cat, despite whatever their age happens to be. While older cats have less energy than their younger counterparts, they can still play a little. Enjoy some playtime with your cat.

Don’t bring home a cat with long hair without taking into account the extra care they’ll require. There is no denying that long-haired cats are beautiful, but that beautiful coat takes a lot of work and also means a lot of shedding. You should not get a cat with long-hair unless you are ready to do a lot of cleaning. Hairballs are something that you will often deal with if you own a fluffy cat.

Your kitty’s litter box should be strategically placed. It is tempting to place it out of sight, in order to avoid the image of it or smells that go along with dirty litter. The litter box should be somewhere that is easy for your cat to get to, however. This will keep your cat as happy as possible. Put a rug under it for cleanliness, too.

Turn out the lights and use a black-light to identify the source of that mystery cat urine smell. Cat pee contains phosphorus, which glows brightly under this type of light bulb. This is especially useful because otherwise you might not be able to see the exact area to be treated. Use a piece of chalk to lightly trace the outline of the stain so you can see it when you turn the regular lights back on.

If you own a declawed cat, do not let it outdoors. Your cat may be seriously injured or killed because they are not prepared to defend themselves against another animal who may attack them. Indoor cats can be declawed, though. Remove only the front claws. Never remove the claws from the back, as these are not harmful to your stuff.

When you’re smitten with your kitten, it’s tempting to dole out treats generously. However, treats are meant to be just that. They lack the nutritional value of regular cat food. Treats should not make up more than 5 percent of your pet’s daily diet. Any more than that may prevent your cat from receiving the nutrients it needs for good health.

When introducing a new cat to your home, make sure that your other pets have time to adjust. You will want to give the new cat extra attention, but it is important to keep up established routines with your other pets. Allow the new cat to explore its new home while you care for your other pets.

Independent, intelligent and loving, cats can make exceptional house pets. Before deciding to adopt a cat however, it is a good idea to educate yourself on proper cat care. Utilize all of the information you’ve learned from this article to take great care of your kitty and keep her healthy for years to come.

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